Welcome aboard!

I am pleased to welcome you to my web site, Frogman Freedom Fighter.
There are a number of ways you could have found this site. You may have come here because you received a card from me, the frogman, giving you the option of calling me or coming to this site. Or you could have received a small Bible with a card attached to the cover that invited you to visit this site. Either way, you are here and the Frogman is ok with that.

Freedom is sacred to a Frogman, at least this Frogman. That is the reason for this site, we talk freedom here. The freedom that was purchased with the blood of Americas young men who gave their lives for us to be able to speak and move about in this great country as we wish. A big Hooyah! to those brave young Americans, Thank you.

Look around and read some of the articles I have included, and pages that contain thoughts and ideas that have had an impact on my life. If you want to find out more about how you can experience the spiritual freedom I have found in Jesus Christ, take a look at Steps to Peace with God.

Go to FRIENDS OF THE FROG page and read about some lives that have been changed through the grace and love of our great God.

Bible Verse of the day

Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.