Dave Wicklund

I have known Dave for over forty years and he is in my opinion a man who seeks after the best in his work both for others and God. The Lord continues to bless Dave and I am pleased to have him as my friend. Here is his testimony:

“Real Freedom: Expensive But Free”
by David E. Wicklund – “Testimony 3-8-12”
As a teenager during the early 60’s, I was heavily involved in alcohol consumption. I was so addicted to it that I would try to coerce my friends during the High School lunch period to skip school and go out to the county and get drunk. They kept telling me that I had a problem and that I needed help. I of course thought they were over reacting, and that I had every thing under control.

My attitude remained that way until I was 18 when I attended an evangelistic crusade meeting in Superior, WI. During this meeting, I went forward and accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. My craving for alcohol was then completely removed, and I realized and understood how addicted I really was. The next day my friends asked me what happened, and after I explained the awesome experience I had with Jesus they had two comments: 1) Does that mean you not going drinking with us tonight?, and 2) It will be a cold day in hell before we do something like that. I told them that drinking for me was over, and that it was their choice as to what they do with Jesus. Their opinion was that I had gone off the deep end on religion. Class reunions over the years continued to reaffirm their opinion.

If you are dealing with an addiction problem, Jesus Christ is the answer to your Freedom, and eternal life with Him. The Bible in Ephesians 1:7 says that Jesus purchased our Freedom through His shed blood. The Bible also says in Romans 6:23 that God provides this Eternal Life through His Son Jesus Christ and that it is a Free gift to all who believe. The Bible also states in Romans 6:1-22 that when we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior, we are set free from the power of sin and that we can live victorious lives through the power of the Holy Spirit. No longer are we slaves to the power of sin including the addictive power of drugs and alcohol, but instead we need to become friends and servants of God, and do those things that lead to holiness, joy, and peace now, and eternal life in the future.

The Lord Bless you as you allow Him to be in control of your life. Today, 50 years later, I can attest to the fact that serving our risen Lord and Savior has been an Awesome Experience, and each day brings new and exciting challenges and opportunities with Him.

Bible Verse of the day

The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.